Historical walkabout and street entertainment assists in complementing the broad range of historical events we organise for our clients. We supply historically accurate period plays, music, dance and theatre performances for our clients, but also non-authentic historical entertainment for various events and festivals. The entertainment can be used to support an event or as standalone entertainment for event programmes. These programmes are ideal for historic properties, museums, shows and festivals, town and city centres and VIP visits by special guests as roaming street theatre or walkabout performances.
For more information on our Award Winning Events and Clients Comments, please see our film presentations in Featured Events.
To Find Out More - Featured Events
You can also find out more about our range of events by visiting our Client Access area to view some of our Bespoke and Specialist Events, Clients Comments, More Featured Filmed Events and a wealth of other information.
To Find Out More - Client Acess
Contact us to discover how we can either add to your event with our extensive range of historical entertainment or organise a programme for you as a standalone element.